About the Modlin Armory

Meet us

We invite all gun enthusiasts to take advantage of our offer of target shooting.


shooting range


Feel a real weapon!

Why is it worth choosing us?

Treat each weapon as if it was always loaded

Visit us

A wide range of shooting axes from 10 to 100 meters with concrete or grass ground. Space, greenery, parking, sanitary facilities, conference room. And everything is drowning in green!

Shooting club

Do you want to get firearms license? Are you passionate about shooting and want easier access to the shooting range? Become a member of our shooting club!

Support for groups and events

A modern office, conference room, the possibility of convenient configuration of the facility, catering and convenient access make us a perfect place for training, integration events and presentations!

Gun Spa

You don't have a convenient place to clean your weapons? We have prepared a place for you and your favorite toys.


Upcoming events


Shooting range


Conference room


Parking places


Square Meters Of Area


Check out our offer

Nasza Ekipa

Our team of experts


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